
Degrees and Certificates


MUSC 100 : University Seminar

Acclimatizes new Evangel students to the University. As such, it serves as an intellectual and practical orientation to the challenges and opportunities of the University life and learning. Students are introduced to Evangel’s Christ-centered, integrational, exploratory, and global ethos. They build relationships with departmental contexts as well as across the campus. They are encouraged to understand that they are being prepared not only for a career but for life.



MUSC 131 : Introduction to Music Theory

Acquaints students with the rudimentary elements of music. Topics include scales and keys, intervals and chords, rhythmic and pitch aspects of music notation, introductory experiences at the keyboard, and sight-singing. This is an online course.



MUSC 141 : Music Theory I

Introduces fundamentals, melodic writing, modes, counterpoint, four-part harmonization, and analysis.




Students not proficient in piano take piano with MUSC 141.

MUSC 241 : Music Theory III

Continues exploration of MUSC 141 and 142 leading to chromatic harmony and advanced modulation, three-part counterpoint, and idioms of 20th-century music.



MUSC 242 : Music Theory IV

Continues exploration of MUSC 141, 142, and 241 concentrating on late 19th- and 20th-century idioms and techniques.



MUSC 250 : Worship Heritage of the Modern Pentecostal Church

Encourages an appreciation for cultural traditions/heritage of the Pentecostal church with an emphasis on gospel songs and hymns. Topics include an examination of music used during musical worship and the value of congregational participation in worship.



MUSC 252 : Music in World Cultures

Introduces study and analysis of music of ethnic/people groups. Topics include music of various cultural traditions and belief systems to prepare students for teaching and ministry in the global society.



MUSC 263 : Modern Recording Techniques

Introduces the techniques of working in a recording studio. Topics include microphone design, application and placement, recording, editing, signal processing in Cubase and studio etiquette.



MUSC 296 : Worship Leadership

Discusses contemporary issues in Pentecostal worship in the context of biblical-theological foundations, historical development in the Christian tradition, and expression in the local church. Provides experience working with worship teams, instrumental accompaniments, worship literature, multimedia, the worship leader's spiritual preparation and relationships with the pastoral and church staffs.



MUSC 336 : Electronic Music

Discusses the production of music through MIDI and computer-based sequencing software programs using peripheral devices, MIDI orchestration, sampling, virtual instruments, digital audio in multiple file formats, multi-track recording, post-processing of multi-track recordings and composition of original music.




Proficiency in equipment operation.

MUSC 340 : Songwriting and Commercial Arranging

Explores principles and techniques for composing and arranging music for the commercial music industry. Topics include songwriting, writing lyrics, melody, and harmony. Examines current and commercial music practices (notation, form, requirements, etc.).



MUSC 345 : Music History Survey I

Examines significant musical developments, stylistic elements, representative repertoire, and prominent composers from Antiquity, the Medieval Era, Renaissance Era, Baroque Era, and the Vocal Music of the Early Classical Era.



MUSC 346 : Music History Survey II

Examines the significant composers, literature, and stylistic developments of Western Music History from the Classical Era (1750-present).



MUSC 352 : Worship Media and Technology

Provides an introductory approach to the application and problem solving of live audio, video and lighting in the context of a worship service; to ensure sure that the worship and the word is heard and understood in a clear and precise manner; visually capture the ministry that is happening, creating an atmosphere for those in the auditorium, as well as broadcasting it to people around the world and on the internet; visually impact how worship and the word are experienced by painting the air in the room through various professional lighting fixtures and effects. Topics include what/where/why/how of digital sound boards, PA systems, stage set up, lighting fixtures and controllers, live streaming, service flow, communication with tech teams vs. worship team, IEM (in ear monitoring) and more.



MUSC 356 : Rhythm Section Methods

Provides a practical introduction to the technical problems involved in the playing and performance of rhythm section instruments (including guitar, bass, drums, percussion, and keyboards). Emphasis will be placed on the methods of performance, communication, and organization of a rhythm section in a church context.



MUSC 363 : Advanced Recording and Production

Emphasizes advanced techniques about working in a recording studio. Topics include advanced signal processing, mixing and mastering, and information about operating a recording studio as a business.



MUSC 364 : Advanced Recording and Production

Emphasizes advanced techniques about working in a recording studio. Topics include advanced signal processing, mixing and mastering, and information about operating a recording studio as a business.



MUSC 423 : Administration in Creative Arts Worship

Discusses the ministerial purposes, principles, and methodology of each musical unit commonly found in the local church program. Topics include procedures for the successful management of the musical ministries of children, youth, and adults from the standpoint of the small, medium, and large congregation, staff relationships, responsibilities, and privileges.



MUSC 424 : Church Music History Survey

Examines the musical traditions of the Temple, the early Church, Eastern and Western rites, the Genevan, German, and English Reformations, the evangelical awakenings in England and America, the Pentecostal revival, and the charismatic renewal. Topics include congregational, choral, and instrumental music incorporated into the actual worship practices of each tradition as Prerequisite to appreciating our heritage and as Prerequisite to one's evaluation of the contemporary music situation.



MUSC 435 : Orchestration

Examines instrumentation with practical experience in scoring for strings, winds, and percussion, singly and in combination, including full use of full orchestration, and band arranging.



MUSC 439 : Composition and Choral Arranging

Provides an opportunity for students to apply their musical knowledge in creative writing and arranging with emphasis in choral settings. Additional credits available in MUSC 493.




Permission of the professor for students not meeting specific degree requirements.

MUSC 442 : Solo Literature

Explores solo literature, history, and composers with an emphasis on the applied major field. This course is available as needed.



MUSC 473 : Music in Media

Explains how to make use of music in a variety of media applications. Topics include composing original music to using preexisting recordings, preparation of music for film, television, websites, video games and other media.



MUSC 488 : Piano Tuning and Repair

Introduces theoretical, physical, and practical aspects of tuning; the mechanical and acoustical functions of the piano's action and other parts; minor repairs, regulation, and general maintenance. Includes practical experience in setting the temperament, tuning unisons and octaves, and action regulating. Upon successful completion, the student should be able to become a knowledgeable apprentice to an established piano technician.
