The Department of Theology and Global Church Ministries offers a major, a concentration, and a minor in Biblical Studies. These programs, particularly the major, prepare students for either graduate study or vocational ministry.
For all programs in Biblical Studies, the Department specifies how Core Curriculum requirements shall be completed. The specific requirements are listed in an advising form available in the Department office. Each student should work out an individual program in consultation with an advisor from the Department of Theology and Global Church Ministries.
Pre-Military Chaplaincy Pathways
The Theology and Global Church Ministries Department offers two different pathways for the those pursuing an undergraduate degree that will prepare them for masters-degree requirements for military chaplaincy. These pathways are intended to help prepare those seeking to become military chaplains at the undergraduate level as well as prepare them for the Masters of Divinity degree which is required of military chaplains. Both pathways were approved by the Chaplaincy Department of the Assemblies of God, and each has a different educational emphasis. The first pathway has a psychology emphasis, while the second track has a psychology in the church emphasis. Both pathways include areas of study in Biblical Studies and Military Science. The 4+1 Fast Track program does not meet the educational requirements for military chaplaincy as set for by the Department of Justice which requires a separate undergraduate degree and a Masters of Divinity degree.
The Pre-Military Chaplaincy pathway is comprised of a Biblical Studies Concentration, a Psychology in the Church OR a Psychology Minor, and a Military Science Minor and is offered as a Bachelor of Arts degree. The Biblical Studies Concentration consists of 33 semester credits, the Psychology in the Church Minor consists of 21 semester credits OR the Psychology Minor at 18 semester credits, and the Military Science Minor consisting of 18-21 semester credits. Students pursuing this degree must be enrolled in ROTC at Missouri State University (all MILS classes will be taken at Missouri State University).