Undergraduate Academic and Graduation Requirements

(See the Academic Policies and Procedures section of this Catalog for policies and procedures that also apply to the College of Online Learning Undergraduate programs.)

Course Registration Periods/Deadlines

All COL academic programs have the same registration period:


Academic Registration


Financial Registration


Registration Closes


Last week of February-Last week of March

First week of June

First day of Fall semester


Last week of October

First week of December

First day of Spring semester


First week of February- First week of March

First week of April

First day of Summer semester

See the university’s academic calendar for the 24-25 year for specific dates. Current students are not permitted to register for any course after the deadline provided in the university calendar for each semester.  


COL Undergraduate Academic Requirements

All candidates for Bachelor of Science must fulfill the following minimum requirements:

  • Completion of 124 semester credits.
  • Earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on all semester hours earned at Evangel University.

The degree earned is recorded on the transcript at the end of the semester in which all the degree requirements are completed. The last day of the semester as indicated by the academic calendar is the official graduation date.  A student’s Cumulative GPA at degree conferral is final and cannot be changed.

Dean's List

To qualify for inclusion on the Dean's List, an undergraduate student must pass a minimum of 12 semester credits or more with a semester grade point average (GPA) of 3.6 to 4.0.

Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average Requirements

The minimum cumulative grade point averages required are determined by the number of Semester/GPA hours, as indicated by the following scale:

Semester/GPA Hours   

Minimum Required CUM GPA  









Please see individual program sections, and the Graduate Studies and the AGTS sections in this catalog for more information on master and doctoral grading.  

Academic Probation and Suspension

Academic Probation

Students who fail to earn the necessary cumulative grade point averages as indicated in the table above will be placed on academic probation with accompanying restrictions. 

Academic Suspension

If a student remains on academic probation for two consecutive semesters, he or she may be suspended. A student who has been suspended for academic reasons will be readmitted on one of the following conditions:

  1. The student has taken a minimum of 9 hours of college courses at another institution and earned a minimum grade of C in each course; or 
  2. The student has been absent from EU for one academic year.

The student will be readmitted on probation, and enroll for no more than 13 hours, and repeat courses as needed. 

General Education Requirements

To receive the associate or baccalaureate degree, a candidate must have satisfactorily completed the General Education requirements described in the table below. See degree plans for specific requirements prescribed in these areas which may differ from the list below.

Requirement Credits

Adult Studies Seminar


English Composition  


  • ENGLA 110: Composition and Grammar for the Professional
  • ENGLA 121: Writing for the Professional (required)

BIBLA 111: Essential Christianity




SOCIA 332 Human Diversity


Mathematics (Statistics recommended) 3

B.S. Requirement 


  • Math, Natural Science, Computer Science, Geography, etc., beyond other Gen Ed requirements
Behavioral/Social Sciences 3-9*
Humanities 3-12*
Natural Science 3-7*

General Education Requirements


General Education Electives varies
TOTAL 55-88

* The credit requirements for these areas varies based on incoming transfer credits (see below). The minimum 124 credits needed for graduation must still be completed.


Explanation of Variable Requirements for General Education:
Transfer 60 or more credits  
Behavioral/Social Science 3 credits
Natural Science (no lab requirement) 3 credits
Humanities 3 credits
Transfer 31-59 credits  
Behavioral/Social Science 6 credits
Natural Science (with a lab component) 4 credits
Humanities 6 credits
Transfer 0-30 credits  
Behavioral/Social Science 9 credits
Natural Science (two courses, one with a lab component)    7 credits
Humanities 12 credits

 University Proficiency

  1. Math Proficiency – met by MATHA 129 or higher mathematics course (alternative sections of MATHA 210 are permitted).
  2. English Writing Proficiency – met by ENGLA 121 Writing for the Professional (C- or higher) or equivalent transfer course. Students may need to take ENGLA 110 Composition and Grammar in addition to this requirement.

Adult Studies Seminar

The Adult Studies Seminar (GNSTA 200) is designed to help prepare students for the online learning experience. This course is required for general education; however, some programs permit an alternative seminar course to satisfy this requirement (e.g., BEHVA 296).


Courses that are required for the major, but also meet general education requirements, must only be taken once. The requirement is met in both sections; however, additional electives may be accepted/needed in order to attain the overall degree hours.

Demonstrated Learning

The policies and procedures for the awarding of credit by examination are set forth in the Academic section of this catalog.  Procedures for COL students to demonstrate learning through life experiences are explained during the student's consultation with the Academic Advisor and during the Prior Learning Seminar course. Students who plan to participate should enroll in the Prior Learning Seminar course to be eligible to submit material for evaluation.

Graduation Honors for Undergraduate Students

For College of Online Learning baccalaureate degrees, a student who has earned at least 60 credit hours at Evangel and attained a cum GPA of 3.60 and above will be eligible to receive an Award of Distinction.

Transcript Requests

Current and former students may obtain copies of their official transcripts (if all financial obligations to the University have been met) by ordering them through the National Student Clearinghouse website. Paper transcripts are $10.50 each (mail or pickup) and electronic PDF transcripts are $9.50 each. Students who need a transcript overnighted should choose the electronic option which is securely emailed.

Transfer of Credits to Other Institutions

Accredited colleges and universities generally reciprocate in the transfer of credits that satisfy requirements of their respective degree programs. Students should remember, however, that transfer of credit is always at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is the student's responsibility to confirm whether or not credits earned at Evangel University will be accepted by another institution of the student's choice.