Practical Theology (Doctoral)


PTH 901 : Renewing the Spiritual Leader

Developing into a leader worth following is considered in the context of self-leadership, other-leadership and Pentecostal spirituality. A critical appraisal of leadership models is presented as the class develops a synthetic model of Christian leadership considered from a Pentecostal perspective and based on foundations of personal development and integrity.



PTH 902 : Biblical Theology of Ministry

Gives special attention to developing the skills and methods of biblical theology for the study of Scripture and equips the student to successfully complete the biblical-theological component of the DMin Project. The course also explores the role of biblical-theological reflection in leadership, ministry development and preaching.




RES 957

PTH 905 : Leading Christian Organizations

Covers leadership of the contemporary church or ministry with special consideration given to the integration of biblical values, contemporary leadership theory, contemporary organizational theory and the participant's context of ministry.




RES 958

PTH 906 : Project Design

Prepares the participant for presentation of an acceptable project prospectus to the DMin Project Committee. Components of a prospectus, research methodologies and writing strategies are explored and applied.



PTH 911 : Pentecostal Ministry in the 21st Century

Pentecostalism has reached the centenary mark, an event that would have been unimaginable to its first generation. In many respects the movement has changed. Not surprisingly, Pentecostals face major challenges related to cherished theological, spiritual and liturgical distinctives that once uniquely identified them. This course examines and evaluates dynamics of the early movement, the nature of the crucial changes that have occurred and what Pentecostalism may look like in its second century of existence.




RES 956

PTH 919 : Foundations of Spiritual Theology and Formation

Principles of pneumatology lead to a biblical understanding of how God involves himself in the spiritual development of human beings. Holistic aspects of spiritual formation (spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, vocational, and relational) are explored with an investigation into the Spirit's unique involvement within age groups, occupations, and ethnic contexts. Students learn how to join the Spirit in leading Christ-followers on a journey to build a robust spiritual life and integrate Pentecostal spirituality into church leadership tasks.



PTH 921 : The Role of Church Revivals

Investigates church revivals and evangelistic thrusts from biblical times to the present, especially noting their distinctive character, causes and effects, theological underpinnings, and the unique role of the Holy Spirit in promoting revival. The content will also build understanding on how to lead a revival and work with God as He brings transformation to the individual, His church, and society.



PTH 926 : Internal Growth Leading to External Guidance

Explores a framework for personal spirituality that includes connecting with the Lord through various types of prayer and intercession, solitude and retreat, devotional life and engagement of Scripture, stewardship, holiness, worship, fasting, Sabbath keeping, opening channels of authenticity and confession of sin, hearing from God, and other forms of spiritual practices led by the Holy Spirit. Special emphasis will be put on the link between inner personal spirituality and external adaptive skills for leading in changing environments. 



PTH 931 : Advanced Expository Preaching: Techniques for Today's Generation

Instructs in preaching from the major genres of Scripture: narrative, poetry, wisdom, prophesy/apocalyptic, Gospels and epistles. Topics include expositional and interpretative methods for each genre as well as the application of those methods in sermon development; topical expository preaching; developing expository series from books and topics. 



PTH 933 : Ethical Issues in Contemporary Society

Develops a constructive Christian ethic as a basis from which to address the moral problems confronting the contemporary church. To accomplish this goal, it must first be determined what place the church takes within the context of a post-Christian culture. That is, what moral voice does the church have within a culture that finds the church ineffective and irrelevant? Then, emphasis will be placed on exploring the relationship between theological reflection and ethical thinking and on identifying the church's moral mission in society.



PTH 935 : Bringing the Biblical Story to the 21st Century

Improves the participant's ability to prepare and effectively communicate narrative sermons. Using a literary/historical approach to narrative interpretation, this course unlocks the dynamics of the text and shows how to incorporate those dynamics into his or her preaching. Students will formulate and deliver narrative messages that are true to the biblical text, clear and well organized, interesting to listen to, and relevant to the listeners' needs.



PTH 947 : Skills Development in the Care of Souls

Builds skills in the spiritual care of others. It includes helping others develop discernment of what God is doing in their lives and thus to join God in His individualized work. Students consider the motivations that influence their spiritual lives, the directions of and movements beneath them, and the sources of these motivations. Facilitation skills include careful listening, reflective response, modeling authenticity, honest prayer, building trust, and encouraging surrender.



PTH 962 : Conflict Management

Develops a biblical and practical understanding of conflict. Topics include: conflict cycle, conflict management styles and intervention strategies for resolution, mediation, arbitration and negotiation. Emphasizes the leader's pivotal role in conflict, using it for positive change, and the cultural climate for conflict. 



PTH 965 : Leading Ministry in Emerging Culture

Explores the potential of Pentecostal ministry in a rapidly morphing, globalized culture. The focus is on discerning culture as opportunity for cooperating with the mission of Jesus and responding to the initiative of the Spirit. Special emphasis is given to ministry among younger cultural creative people groups.



PTH 977 : The Character of Pentecostal Leadership: Theological Reflection & Missional Empowerment

Pentecostal leadership for the twenty-first century must include the skills to spiritually discern biblical priorities in constantly changing contexts and a commitment to aggressively participate in the ongoing redemptive ministry of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Key insights for the twenty-first century challenge of leadership exist in a revisiting of John Wesley's quadrilateral for theological reflection. The process of theologizing needs increased attention in cultures where postmodernism, civilization clashes and differing worldviews have huge influence. The fresh pneumatological insights emerging from Pentecostals globally need to be taken seriously.



PTH 981 : Preaching that Connects

Focuses on re-thinking both the possibilities and the practices of preaching for the experienced public speaker. Using multi-media, practical exercises and peer interaction, participants will have the opportunity to develop: (1) a renewed theology of preaching; (2) a broader repertoire of communication styles; (3) a healthy integration of presentation technologies; (4) a skill set for developing great audiences; (5) an integration of audience sovereignty and scriptural authority; (6) a sensitivity to emerging audiences; (7) a holistic understanding of preaching in the context of both personal and corporate spirituality; (8) greater flexibility in audience adaptation; (9) the capacity to discern the role of preaching in effective Christian leadership; (10) the discipline of continuous personal improvement.



PTH 999 : Project Development and Presentation

Constitutes the composition and oral presentation of an acceptable written project which integrates theory and praxis and makes a meaningful contribution to the practice of ministry. All participants working on the project phase will maintain a continued registration in the program.
