Missions Culture (Doctoral)


MC 903 : Core 3 - Intercultural Communication and Missions Anthropology

Studies in the literature of intercultural communication, focusing on cultural contexts and barriers, with implications for Christian witness, lifestyle, and relationships. Examines cultural anthropological issues to determine their application to a Christian view of intercultural ministry.



MC 904 : Core 4 - Theological Issues, Contextualization and Area Studies

Enables students to respond to theological issues encountered in intercultural contexts, such as Trinitarian concerns, bibliology, local theologies, syncretism, and Pentecostalism. Students will work with personally relevant area-specific case studies, and the principles of "doing theology" in another context will be analyzed.



MC 907 : Dissertation Research Tutorial I

In preparation for the dissertation the student will enroll in three four-credit dissertation research tutorial courses designed to facilitate the research required for the proposed dissertation. The dissertation proposal will identify where each dissertation research course corresponds within the research design of the proposal. The tutorials will focus either on a review of the literature to provide the theoretical or theological foundation for the proposed research or after a brief review of precedent literature, the substance of the tutorial will be the student's own primary research and analysis. For each course the student will present a research tutorial contract proposal to the assigned mentor for approval which includes research objectives, a literature review and research methodology. Once the research tutorial contract proposal is approved, the student will execute the research and report the findings in a format like a dissertation. The content of the dissertation research courses should reflect the multi-disciplinary nature of intercultural studies. (An approved dissertation proposal is required to enroll in these courses.)



MC 908 : Dissertation Research Tutorial II

In preparation for the dissertation the student will enroll in three four-credit dissertation research tutorial courses designed to facilitate the research required for the proposed dissertation. The dissertation proposal will identify where each dissertation research course corresponds within the research design of the proposal. The tutorials will focus either on a review of the literature to provide the theoretical or theological foundation for the proposed research or after a brief review of precedent literature, the substance of the tutorial will be the student's own primary research and analysis. For each course the student will present a research tutorial contract proposal to the assigned mentor for approval which includes research objectives, a literature review and research methodology. Once the research tutorial contract proposal is approved, the student will execute the research and report the findings in a format like a dissertation. The content of the dissertation research courses should reflect the multi-disciplinary nature of intercultural studies. (An approved dissertation proposal is required to enroll in these courses.)



MC 909 : Dissertation Research Tutorial III

In preparation for the dissertation the student will enroll in three four-credit dissertation research tutorial courses designed to facilitate the research required for the proposed dissertation. The dissertation proposal will identify where each dissertation research course corresponds within the research design of the proposal. The tutorials will focus either on a review of the literature to provide the theoretical or theological foundation for the proposed research or after a brief review of precedent literature, the substance of the tutorial will be the student's own primary research and analysis. For each course the student will present a research tutorial contract proposal to the assigned mentor for approval which includes research objectives, a literature review and research methodology. Once the research tutorial contract proposal is approved, the student will execute the research and report the findings in a format like a dissertation. The content of the dissertation research courses should reflect the multi-disciplinary nature of intercultural studies. (An approved dissertation proposal is required to enroll in these courses.)



MC 911 : Missiological Engagement with World Religions

Examines the process of engaging followers of other religions with the purpose of facilitating effective communication of the gospel. Representatives serving in diverse religious contexts explore unique opportunities and challenges presented by various historical and contemporary religious environments.



MC 920 : Biblical Perspectives on Issues of Social Justice

Investigates biblical perspectives on social justice and the formulation of a scriptural foundation for the Church's response to human suffering with holistic ministries. Special attention will be given to racial injustice and global poverty. (Prerequisite for Relief and Development Track)



MC 929 : Encountering Non-Christian Religions

Focuses on the biblical and theological understanding of non-Christian religions. Participants will examine critical issues facing the church considering biblical teaching and current conflicting ideas and theories in pluralistic societies. Attention will be given to diversity, truth and salvation in religions.



MC 932 : Contextualized Leadership Training

Facilitates leadership development vision by analyzing leadership selection processes, authority patterns and spiritual formation in a particular setting. Participants will be encouraged to develop culturally appropriate principles, strategies and methods of leadership training including church-based, institutional and non-formal approaches. Emphasis will be given to designing resources and building team concepts for long-term reproducible models.



MC 997 : Qualifying Exam Preparation

The qualifying examination is intended to demonstrate an acceptable level of competency in missiology and the ability to apply the literature to a set of circumstances. The student is required to submit to the qualifying exam within a three-year period of the start of his or her first course and is eligible to take the examination upon successful completion of the following core courses: MS 901, MH 902, MC 903, MC 904.



MC 998 : Comprehensive Exam

PhDI: Preparation for comprehensive exams; student will enroll in this course each semester until exams are successfully passed. Exams must be completed prior to enrolling in dissertation.



MC 999 : Dissertation Development

Upon the completion, acceptance and successful oral defense of a written research dissertation that advances knowledge in intercultural studies integrating theory and praxis, four credits will be recorded on the transcript. All participants working on the dissertation phase will maintain a continued registration in the program.
