HEBR 115 : Elementary Biblical Hebrew I
Explains elementary grammar, syntax, and vocabulary with selected readings from the Old Testament.
Explains elementary grammar, syntax, and vocabulary with selected readings from the Old Testament.
Explains elementary grammar, syntax, and vocabulary with selected readings from the Old Testament.
Explores selected readings from various genre of the Old Testament with attention to building vocabulary and expanding understanding of syntax. Topics include translation and exegetical procedures.
HEBR 115 and HEBR 116 or equivalent.
Explores selected readings from various genre of the Old Testament with attention to building vocabulary and expanding understanding of syntax. Topics include translation and exegetical procedures.
HEBR 315 or equivalent.
Explores selected readings from various genre of the Old Testament. Topics include exegesis, textual criticism, and theological application.
HEBR 315 and HEBR 316 or equivalent.
Explores selected readings from various genre of the Old Testament. Topics include exegesis, textual criticism, and theological application.
HEBR 315 and HEBR 316 or equivalent.
Available as needed. Topics include individualized reading program in Hebrew under the direction of a faculty member in the department.
Permission of the professor, advisor, and department chair.
Available as needed. Topics include individualized reading program in Hebrew under the direction of a faculty member in the department.
Permission of the professor, advisor, and department chair.
Available as needed.
Permission of the professor.