Systematic Teaching and Philosophy (Masters)


PHI 631 : Apologetics

Equips the student to defend the Christian faith against important contemporary assaults and to build a positive Christian world and life view. Appeal is made not only to the varieties of rational arguments but also to the special contributions of the Pentecostal message. Cross-listed with THE 628.



PHI 633 : Ethical Issues in Contemporary Society

A study of ethical issues facing contemporary Christians from the perspective of biblical principles. The implications of biblical ethics for moral decisions both in the individual and societal contexts are considered.



PHI 652 : Faith and Philosophy

A historical survey of the relationship of Christianity to philosophy, with particular focus on the interplay of faith and reason from the first to twenty-first century. The synergies, tensions and accommodations of philosophy and theology will be evaluated. The tragic loss of a Jewish world view beginning in the second century and the important Christian contributions to philosophy will be placed in their historical context. Biblical, empirical, rational, and mystical motifs will be assessed, and the fusions of Pentecostal thinkers will be assessed. Cross-listed with HIS 652, and THE 652.
