Biblical Theology (Masters)


BTH 501 : The Mission of God in Biblical and Contemporary Contexts

Consists of an in-depth study of the mission of God as it is revealed in both the Old and New Testaments. It will not only examine the text of the Scriptures but also consider the mission of God in terms of history, culture and philosophy of the people to whom the mission was delivered, the interpretation of Scripture within the Bible, the progressive development of biblical theology as new cultures and peoples were engaged by Israel and the church, the modes of mission and ministry which are evidenced in the Bible and the application of biblical missiology to the contemporary world context. Cross-listed with MHT 501.



BTH 529 : Foundations of Biblical Theology

Introduces biblical theology covering methodology, history, basic issues and the foundational content of the field. Correlation between biblical and systematic theology is discussed. The course includes the inspiration and authority of the scriptures and the unity of the biblical revelation as well as its diversity.



BTH 530 : Old Testament Theology

A study of the message, important themes and key theological concepts of the Old Testament, understanding how they are developed and expressed in the ancient cultural and historical context, with attention to the relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament and its relevance to believers today.



BTH 532 : New Testament Theology

Examines New Testament theology in terms of its historical and social environment. Various approaches or emphases may be taken, depending on the instructor and/or purpose of the class. Generally, the major doctrinal themes of the New Testament are covered. Attention is given to Pentecostal and Charismatic issues.



BTH 533 : The Holy Spirit in the New Testament Church

Investigates the role of the Holy Spirit in the primitive Christian community. The ministry of the Spirit in the worship and interpersonal relations of Christians will be stressed. Includes a special unit on the theology of the Church. Cross-listed with PCS 533.



BTH 534 : The Baptism in the Holy Spirit

An exegetical and theological examination of the classical Pentecostal understanding of Spirit baptism. The historical development of the doctrine and relevant hermeneutical issues will also be considered. Cross-listed with PCS 534.



BTH 538 : The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

An exegetical and biblical theological study of all the major references to the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament with emphasis on the various aspects of the work of the Spirit in the lives of God's people. It will also show how these themes provide foundational support for Pentecostal experience and doctrine. Cross-listed with PCS 538.



BTH 540 : The Holy Spirit and Mission

Explores Pentecostalism's contribution to contemporary mission theology. Special attention will be given to missiological issues relating to Pentecostal theology and praxis, the biblical validity and relevance of spiritual power encounter, and signs and wonders. Cross-listed with MHT 540 and PCS 540.



BTH 550 : Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry and Leadership

Scripture and history provide two bookends between which issues relevant to the ministry and leadership of women can be discussed. Integrating history with hermeneutics, through careful observation of the Lord's acts, one comes to understand God's ways (Psalm 103:7) Taking a narrative approach (with special focus on cultural contexts, the call of God, and roles of women), this course tells the stories of women throughout the Bible and history and can thus help students locate their stories within the context of God's story. Cross-listed with PTH 542.



BTH 632 : Biblical Theology of Signs and Wonders

Analyzes signs and wonders in the Scriptures with reference to the various words which express these phenomena and the cultural contexts that shaped the worldviews of biblical authors and their opponents. Related issues of contemporary interest and relevance (e.g., their relationship to faith and spiritual warfare) will also be considered and the scriptural evidence examined. Cross-listed with PCS 632.



BTH 635 : The Theology and Practice of Spiritual Gifts

Combines biblical (especially the Gospels and Paul's Letters), missiological, theological and pastoral insights to the charismata (gifts of the Spirit), presenting the biblical-theological basis for understanding and charismatic nature of the New Testament church and its ministry. Topics include developing biblical insights and principles for the use and praxis of spiritual gifts in the church. Emphasis is given for pastors and missionaries to grasp the sensitivities and unique needs of multi-cultural churches, especially as it relates to spiritual gifts. Most importantly, the development of gift ministry in our own lives is emphasized, encouraged and practiced. Cross-listed with PCS 635 and PTH 635.
