Systematic Theology (Masters)


THE 528 : A Pentecostal Church for a Diverse Culture

Assists students in developing a biblically-grounded and theologically-informed understanding of the local church relative to the diversified culture of modern society. Emphasizes a Pentecostal ecclesiology, a mission-driven theology for the local church, and a cross-cultural, contextualized theology and praxis for local church leaders.



THE 529 : Theology, Psychology and Moral Behavior

Investigates theological themes and spiritual phenomena for counselors and those in helping professions. In this course, consideration will be given to problems of human behavior and ethical issues facing contemporary Christians from the perspective of biblical principles. Emphasis on biblical strategies for cultivating an integrated Christian personality and moral decisions both in the individual and societal contexts are considered.



THE 552 : Power Encounter

Focuses on the biblical validity and contemporary relevance of spiritual power encounter in the extension of the Kingdom of God. Cross-listed with MHT 552.



THE 621 : The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

Examines the biblical expressions of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. His vital role in providing regeneration for the repentant, sanctifying the convert, baptizing the believer and giving and empowering ministries for service to the Kingdom of God will be considered. Cross-listed with PCS 621.



THE 622 : Communicating Christian Faith in a Pluralistic Society

Develops a comprehensive understanding of the individual and societal relevance of the gospel to enhance its proclamation to the contemporary world. It supports the validity of Christian faith, through evaluation of experiential, scientific, sociological, historical and biblical evidence. It also helps leaders to meaningfully engage contemporary religious and secular worldviews and to respond to major objections to Christianity. Cross-listed with PTH 622.



THE 623 : God, Revelation and Truth

Studies the nature, existence and attributes of God, making use of his revelation to human beings. Attention will be given to the doctrinal assertion of the Bible as the "rule of faith and practice," with special emphasis on the role of the Holy Spirit in relationship to Scriptures.



THE 624 : Christ and Humanity in the Plan of God

Making use of the "two Adams" concept of Romans 5, this course will consider the plan of God in the creation and fall of humans, focusing on the person and work of Christ as the redeemer of fallen humans. The work of the Holy Spirit among humans and upon Jesus of Nazareth will be emphasized.



THE 625 : Church, End Times and Eternity

The role of the Holy Spirit in the formation, continuation and ministry of the Christian community will be considered. The church has a future, wrapped up in the ultimate revelation of the Jesus Christ in the eschaton, the course will also consider the revelation of God concerning his goals for his creation.



THE 628 : Apologetics

Equips the student to defend the Christian faith against important contemporary assaults and to build a positive Christian world and life view. Appeal is made not only to the varieties of rational arguments but also to the special contributions of the Pentecostal message. Cross-listed with PHI 631.



THE 631 : Culture, Gender and Intercultural Ministry

Examines God's purpose in creating humans as female and male and allow scriptures to critique one's own cultural gender biases. Students will practice ethnographic research methods that prepare them to discover culture through the lens of gender. They will also develop spiritual disciplines that will enhance their lives and intercultural ministry. Cross-listed with MCC 631 and PTH 631.



THE 633 : Divine Healing

Considers the healing ministry of God in today's world. Surveys the biblical and theological perspectives and the history of divine healing in the Church. Special emphasis will be placed upon the role of the doctrine and practice of divine healing in the Pentecostal/Charismatic movements in the twentieth century. Cross-listed with PCS 633.



THE 642 : Theology of Prayer

Studies the theological foundation for prayer. There is specific emphasis on both the corporate and private nature of prayer. Cross-listed with PTH 642.



THE 644 : Theological German

An introduction to German, with emphasis on developing the basic vocabulary and grammatical skills necessary for translating theological sources.



THE 645 : Theological Spanish

The rise of Latin American theology, first among Catholic and Protestant liberation theologians and now among emerging Pentecostal theologians, has made Spanish an increasingly important research language for theological students. This course introduces the basic vocabulary and grammar of Spanish that will prepare students to decipher the Spanish Bible, academic articles, and books, and most importantly, to pass a proficiency exam in Spanish for future doctoral work.



THE 646 : Theological Studies Seminar

Each student in the Master of Arts in Theological Studies program must enroll in this graduate seminar course before completion of the degree. The preparation of a major seminar paper affords students an opportunity to demonstrate competencies within their chosen concentrations through research, interpretation and writing. Cross-listed with BNT 646, BOT 646, MHT 646, and PCS 646.



THE 649 : Christian-Muslim Theological Issues

Examines the theological challenge of Islam and Christian response. Key theological differences will be studied with special emphasis being placed upon biblical answers. The purpose is to develop understanding of the congruencies and divergences between Christianity and Islam as a tool for communicating the Gospel to Muslims. Cross-listed with MHT 649.



THE 651 : Theological French

Introduces French with emphasis on developing the basic vocabulary and grammatical skills necessary for translating theological sources.



THE 652 : Faith and Philosophy

A historical survey of the relationship of Christianity to philosophy, with particular focus on the interplay of faith and reason from the first to twenty-first century. The synergies, tensions and accommodations of philosophy and theology will be evaluated. The tragic loss of a Jewish world view beginning in the second century and the important Christian contributions to philosophy will be placed in their historical context. Biblical, empirical, rational, and mystical motifs will be assessed, and the fusions of Pentecostal thinkers will be assessed. Cross-listed with HIS 652, and PHI 652.
