New Testament (Masters)
BNT 623 : Exposition in the Gospels & Acts
Examines New Testament narrative books as well as the skills and methods necessary for developing expository messages from the narrative material, including the sub-genres of miracle, parable and discourse. The narratological structure of Luke-Acts will receive special attention each semester. Otherwise, the specific biblical material will vary from semester to semester. Cross-listed with HOM 623.
BNT 624 : Exposition in the Epistles
Examines New Testament letters, focusing especially on the development of expository series that work through the entirety of individual letters. Topics include historical-grammatical exegesis, epistolary form and the propositional mode of writing that characterizes epistolary literature. Analyzes the role of grammar and syntax in unpacking the meaning of paragraphs and larger pericopes. Cross-listed with HOM 624.
BNT 646 : Theological Studies Seminar
Each student in the Master of Arts in Theological Studies program must enroll in this graduate seminar course before completion of the degree. The preparation of a major seminar paper affords students an opportunity to demonstrate competencies within their chosen concentrations through research, interpretation and writing. Cross-listed with BOT 646, MHT 646, PCS 646, and THE 646.