Physical Education
The Physical Education program enables students to develop the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be effective professionals in teaching and related fields. This major certifies a student to teach in grades K-12. Extensive school-based field work experiences are integrated into the curriculum.
Program Learning Outcomes
In addition to Professional Education Learning Outcomes, Physical Education program graduates will:
- Fundamental movement skills (locomotor, non-locomotor, manipulative) and movement concepts; personal fitness and wellness concepts.
- The bioscience (anatomical, physiological, and biomechanical) and psychological concepts of movement, physical activity, and fitness.
- Developmental, individual, dual, and team activities and developmental games, including outdoor activities and non-competitive physical activities, as well as various types of rhythmic and dance activities.
- The relationship of physical activity and exercise, nutrition, and other healthy behaviors to a healthy lifestyle.
- Safety, injury prevention, and how to perform and/or access emergency procedures/services.
Degrees and Certificates
PHED 111 : Lifetime Fitness and Dance
Provides the student with knowledge of physical fitness as a lifestyle, and the opportunity to develop physical conditioning in the pursuit of total wellbeing. This course meets the physical wellness requirement in Core Curriculum.
3PHED 134 : Principles of Physical Education
3PHED 222 : Care and Prevention of Athletic Injury
Provides entry-level knowledge in the field of sport-related injuries. Topics include units dealing with the history of athletic trainer, basic anatomy of common injuries, and preventative measures to reduce the incidences of injuries, discussion about basic treatment of acute injuries, and discussion of legal and ethical issues.
BIOL 221.
PHED 226 : Techniques of Teaching Fitness and Weight Training
3PHED 290/490 : Readings in Physical Education
Available as needed.
1 - 3Prerequisites
Permission of the department chair and professor required.
PHED 292/492 : Readings in Health
Available as needed.
1 - 3Prerequisites
Permission of the department chair and professor required.
PHED 293/493 : Special Problems
Available as needed.
1 - 3Prerequisites
Permission of the department chair and professor required.
PHED 294/494 : Travel
Available as needed.
1 - 3Prerequisites
Permission of the department chair and professor required.
PHED 299/499 : Directed Research or Projects
Available as needed.
1 - 3Prerequisites
Permission of the department chair and professor required.
PHED 310 : Theory of Coaching I
3PHED 329 : Psychology and Sociology in Sport and Physical Education
Discusses the role of sport and physical education in society. Topics include the influence of sport as a social system and the influence of other social systems on sport.
3PHED 336 : Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education
3PHED 338 : Techniques of Individual Activities
3PHED 339 : Techniques of Team Activities
3PHED 341 : Evaluation in Physical Education
Explains basic statistics, measurement, and evaluation procedures and pertinent tests for each facet of physical education, including the effective use of computers.
MATH 124.
PHED 346 : Fundamentals of Rhythmic Movement
3PHED 348 : Methods of Teaching Elementary Physical Education
3PHED 410 : Theory of Coaching II
3PHED 456 : Adapted Physical Education
3PHED 496 : Professional Seminar in Physical Education
1PHED 498 : Practicum/Internship
Available as needed.
1 - 3Prerequisites
Permission of the department chair and professor required.