Veteran and International Students

Veterans' Benefits

Students with Veterans' Benefits should contact the Admiral Vern Clark Veterans Center located in the Assemblies of God Seminary of Evangel University. In accordance with the Veterans' Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, Evangel University will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities due to delayed disbursements of the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs. Evangel University will not require that a Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 recipient borrow funds to cover the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursements of a payment of the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Veteran Deployments

All students receiving military orders that affect the student's classes at Evangel University or AGTS must see the Veteran's Center Coordinator to advise them on the following three options if deployment is after the drop/add period:

Option 1: Continue with the course as a modified directed research or distance learning option as approved by the instructor of the course. This option should only be used if the military workload of the deployed servicemember is conducive to studies during off duty time.   

Option 2: If the deployment is a short-term deployment, the instructor may authorize an extension to complete the work missed during the service member's deployment. If this option is used, the Records and Registration office will record an Incomplete grade for the course with the instructor's agreed upon course completion date. 

Option 3: Full withdrawal with extenuating circumstances.  If this option is employed, the Veteran's Center Coordinator will work with the records office to ensure the military student is supported and the servicemember has weighed all options before committing to withdrawal. Fully withdrawn students will receive 100% refund on tuition and fees.  

International Students

International students wishing to drop classes that will take the student's course-load below full-time status or a student that wishes to withdraw from Evangel University or AGTS should be directed to the International Student Coordinator. The International Student Coordinator will counsel the student on the ramifications of these actions regarding the student's F-1 status.