COU 598 : Counseling Internship

Provides a multi-semester experience resulting in one credit for each of 100 hours of internship activity with a supervision seminar focusing on the integration of theory and practice. This weekly supervision seminar supplements the supervision students are receiving at their internship sites. The seminar is conducted using a clinical staffing format in which students present cases, and discuss therapeutic, diagnostic, ethical, faith integration, and treatment-planning issues encountered at their internship site. Didactic instruction occurs on an as-needed basis relevant to the issues presented by students. The seminar instructor maintains contact with the interns' site supervisor throughout the year.

Six total credit hours are required for the degree which should correspond to 600 hours (240 must be direct [face-face] client therapy contact) of supervised counseling services.


COU 506, COU 521, COU 526, and admission to Candidacy.


