Church Ministries

The Church Ministries Programs exist to provide holistic Bible-based leadership programs to ensure the Body of Christ is being effectively matured and strengthened. Opportunities abound for well-prepared ministers who are thoughtful, passionate, and skilled in reaching their world with the love of Jesus Christ.

Evangel has equipped some of the world’s great ministers and missionaries, helping them develop Bible-based thinking and reasoning, Holy Spirit inspired passion and compassion, and polished skills in preaching, teaching and leadership.

Professors in the Theology and Global Church Ministries department build on unique and diverse experiences in the local church and on the mission field when preparing and teaching courses. Evangel’s embedded seminary also provides direct access to pursuing a graduate degree.

Church Leadership Tracks. The Church Ministries Department offers three tracks in Church Ministries.

For all programs in Church Ministries, the Department specifies how the Core Curriculum requirements shall be completed. The specific requirements are listed in an advising form available in the Department office. Each student should work out an individual program in consultation with an advisor from the Theology and Global Church Ministries Department.

Degrees and Certificates


CHMN 100 : University Seminar

Acclimatizes new Evangel students to the University. As such, it serves as an intellectual and practical orientation to the challenges and opportunities of the University life and learning. Students are introduced to Evangel’s Christ-centered, integrational, exploratory, and global ethos. They build relationships with departmental contexts as well as across the campus. They are encouraged to understand that they are being prepared not only for a career but for life.



CHMN 203 : Strategic Youth Ministry

Explores philosophy of youth ministry. Topics include call of a youth pastor, goal setting, developing a personal philosophy of youth ministry. For youth ministry majors, aspects of this course take place from within the residential component of the Youth Ministry Learning community.



CHMN 303 : Pentecostal Leadership

Introduces practical guidelines for all, regardless of ministerial position, who feel the call to lead God's people. Topics include biblical characteristics of the leader, examination of major and minor figures of both testaments from a biblical-theological approach, leadership development, integrity, vision, Spirit-empowerment, servanthood, modeling, current leadership trends and/or methodologies in the church.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 311 : Great Commission Challenges 1

Explores a biblical theology of the Great Commission. Topics include an in-depth study of evangelism and discipleship principles, integration of discipleship principles within the context of the local Pentecostal church, presentation of a biblical God-centered Gospel and our Lord's approach to disciple making.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 313 : Church Business and Law

Provides a basic understanding of the application of civil law to churches and ministers, using case studies to illustrate key points. The laws affecting religious bodies in such matters as incorporation procedures, contracts, deeds, bonds, and other instruments are studied. The course also looks at insurance, legal liabilities of the church, and criminal law as it relates to pastoral ministry. Overview of polity of the Assemblies of God Fellowship.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 318 : Pastoral Theology and Church Government

Introduces biblical foundations of church governance. Topics include presbyterial, congregational, and Episcopal forms of church government, structure and organization of the Assemblies of God in the US including constitution and bylaws, unique tasks, and functions of pastoral ministry such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, baby dedications, and additional aspects of pastoral care.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 320 : Homiletics I

Introduces technical aspects of the sermon and its preparation. Topics include various kinds of sermons, analysis of students' prepared outlines.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 323 : Youth in Ministry

Explores involving youth in ministry within the context of the local church. Topics include equipping youth for personally participating in various ministries of the church, discovery and implementation of spiritual gifts and natural abilities, engagement of active contributions towards the mission of the larger community of faith, applying theological information towards fulfilling biblical mandates, and missional living.




BIBL 296 and CHMN 203.

CHMN 326 : Theology of Children's Ministries

Explores programs, planning, outreach strategies, and basic concepts of ministering to children in the current culture. Topics include biblical basis and concepts of ministering to children; role of the parents in children's ministries; role of the Children's pastor about lay leaders/workers, senior pastor and other staff members, and the church in general.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 333 : Youth Discipleship

Explores the development of an effective strategy for youth discipleship. Topics include disciplining and mentoring youth advisors and students, leading students to develop a sustainable devotional life.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 351 : Establishing Lifetime Faith in Children

Designed for students to be able to understand the process whereby young people establish a deep and lasting faith.  These keys known as eight goals of discipleship become anchors to their long-term faith.  Students will discover ways to enhance these discipleship principles through both large and small group formats with the goal of raising up generations of kids and teens with faith that is strong enough to last. 




BIBL 296.

CHMN 352 : Leading a Sustainable Children's Ministry

Designed for students to be able to understand the process whereby young people establish a deep and lasting faith. These keys known as eight goals of discipleship become anchors to their long-term with. Students will discover ways to enhance these discipleship principles through both large and small group formats with the goal of rising up generations of kids and teens with fish that is strong enough to last.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 353 : Engaging Children Through Creative Communication

Discusses planning and promoting programs and events that minister to children. Topics include instruction on using puppets, video, human video, drama; fundraising and budgeting; developing children's church services, vacation Bible schools, neighborhood outreaches; disciplining children; and ministering to families.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 354 : Children's Ministry Today

Designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the primary elements of the 21st-century children’s ministry. It is imperative children's ministry leaders understand how to create a plan for keeping children safe that is actionable and relevant to their specific setting. In addition, children's ministry is making use of digital resources like never before which means students should become familiar with how these tools can aid in their ministry goals. Finally, outreach into the community has changed because of the cultural challenges, the needs in our community, and the dynamics of the home. The combination of these three areas of focus makes Children’s Ministry Today a relevant course for anyone pursuing a ministry path for children.




BIBL 296 and CHMN 326.

CHMN 355 : Preaching from the World of the Bible

An onsite field and Bible study in Israel and Jordan with emphasis on utilizing the geographical characteristics of the land as well as historical, archeological, and cultural features which shaped the world of the Bible, its events, and message in a preaching ministry.

Cross-listed with BIBL 355.




BIBL 111, 115, 116, 296, and CHMN 320.

CHMN 356 : Security for Houses of Worship

Introduces the topic of security for houses of worship and para-church organizations, examining the history of private security up to the current application of physical security measures. Topics include risk assessment, risk mitigation, physical and environment prevention techniques, and cyber-security and access control.  Emergency planning, incident management, and policy development will also be covered for the unique environment of houses of worship, but the principles would also apply to any populated or corporate environment.

Cross-listed with CJST 356.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 393 : Youth Evangelism

Discusses the personal evangelization of youth and ministry on the senior high school campus. Topics include legal and practical aspects of access and acceptable activities, Chi Alpha.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 411 : Church Ministries Capstone

Assists graduating students entering vocational ministry. Topics include credentialing, incorporation, parliamentary procedure, clergy tax, building maintenance, and risk management, maximization of leadership opportunities through the church staff and fellowship.




BIBL 296 and 90 hrs. of course work

CHMN 412 : Youth Ministry Capstone

Assists graduating students in youth ministry majors & concentrations. The student develops a comprehensive philosophy and strategy for ministering to youth. Leadership issues specifically related to youth ministry but also to ministry in general are discussed. Includes resume’ writing, interviewing, as well as content required for licensure with the Assemblies of God. Certifications in Suicide Prevention and Counsel for Access to Lethal Means (C.A.L.M.) will also be earned.




BIBL 296, CHMN 203, 323, 333, and 393 (Youth Ministry Majors & Concentration only). All others: Senior standing.

CHMN 420 : Homiletics II

Continues discussions from CHMN 320. Topics include practice of the preparation and delivery of sermons, class criticism, and development of rhetorical elements.




BIBL 296 and CHMN 320.

CHMN 433 : Adolescent Ethnography

Focuses on developing a greater understanding of how and why culture shapes the identity of adolescents with the purpose of looking for ways to communicate an unchanging Word to a changing world as pastor-ethnographers. Attention is given to various cultural factors that impact youth culture including the influence of music and media and the effect of postmodernism on morality, all examined in light of Biblical truth.




BIBL 296.

CHMN 463 : Preaching and Biblical Genres

Examines genre-specific hermeneutical and homiletical principles for the preparation and delivery of biblical sermons. Topics include application of principles and student preaching.




BIBL 296 and CHMN 320.

CHMN 470-479 : Special Topics in Church Ministries

Available as needed. Topics include church ministries, youth ministries, children's ministries, and preaching. Course title is listed on the transcript.


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BIBL 296, junior status, and permission of professor.

CHMN 498 : Service Practicum

Supervised field experience in a church, service organization, or other institutional setting for a practical application of the nature and scope of service.


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Junior Status or 80 credit hours, CHMN 320,  BIBL 296, and one of the following: CHMN 311, CHMN 333, CHMN 393, or CHMN 351.