Performance (Bachelor of Music)
The Bachelor of Music in Performance consists of 74-75 credits in music and supportive courses. This degree prepares students to teach applied music lessons and to pursue graduate study in applied music.
Degree requirements for the BM in Performance program include:
Required Courses
Take 2 credits from the following:
Take 2 credits of the following:
Take at least 1 credit from the following:
Major Ensembles
*Music Majors must be enrolled in at least one MORG major ensemble each semester (4 credits total).
Applied Music Lessons
Take 22 credits of Applied Lessons in a primary area and all the following courses:
*MUED 231 is only required if vocal is the primary area.
Take 4 credits of Piano or Applied Lessons in a secondary area.
Concert Experience
All Music minors are required to enroll in MUSC 098 Concert Experience for at least 4 semesters during which the student must attend a total of 12 recitals per semester, 2 of which should be for the symphony/orchestra credit.