Art courses in the appreciation and history of art familiarize students with the development of art and its relationship to world culture. Courses in theory and applied art help to fulfill the requirements for teaching art in the public schools and to develop proficiency as an artist in a student's chosen field.
Program Learning Outcomes
Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Arts
- Speak and write knowledgeably about art history and its relationship to societies past and present, to faith, and to one’s own artistic practice.
- Explain the basic structural elements and operative principles in works of art and design from any major period of human history.
- Demonstrate interpretive skills by discussing the philosophical potentials in works of art.
- Integrate personal Christian faith and the arts by explaining their mutual relevance and by demonstrating it in one’s own personal artwork.
- Produce creative original artwork in a variety of media, using appropriate tools and methods skillfully.
- Develop the beginnings of a personal artistic style that can be extended into a professional career in the arts.
- Demonstrate professional dedication to promotion of the arts in general and to the disciplined study and practice of one’s own area of interest in particular.
- Demonstrate enthusiasm for undertaking a career in the arts.
Degrees and Certificates
ART 102 : Art History I
Discusses the history of Western art from Prehistoric times to the Renaissance.
3ART 103 : Art History II
ART 102.
ART 106 : Drawing I
Introduces drawing media and processes. Prerequisite to other two-dimensional art courses. Combined with ART 110, forms the foundation for later courses in two-dimensional art. Open to non-art majors. This course includes special fees.
3ART 110 : Fundamentals of Two-Dimensional Design
Explores visual design concepts such as artistic vocabulary, aesthetic theory, and use of design elements and principles in various media and materials. Combined with ART 106, forms the foundation for later courses in two-and three-dimensional art. Open to non-Art majors. This course includes special fees.
3ART 111 : Three-Dimensional Design
Examines the elements and principles of three-dimensional design. Provides experiences with a variety of media and subject matter. Forms the foundation for later courses in three-dimensional art. Course is Prerequisite for ART 210. This course includes special fees.
ART 110.
ART 206 : Drawing II
Continues exposure to drawing fundamentals in greater depth and an exploration of additional media. Introduces drawing the figure from gesture to finished work. This course includes special fees.
ART 106 and ART 110.
ART 208 : Printmaking I
Introduces basic techniques and concepts of etching, engraving, and aquatint. This course includes special fees.
ART 106 and ART 110.
ART 210 : Sculpture I
Introduces basic techniques and concepts of sculpture as artistic expression using a variety of media and repurposed materials. This course includes special fees.
ART 111.
ART 212 : Ceramics I
Introduces clay and glaze techniques to prepare students for wheel-throwing techniques. Emphasizes hand-building techniques and the aesthetics of ceramic design. This course includes special fees.
3ART 213 : Fibers I: Weaving
Explains the fundamentals of off-loom and loom weaving, using a wide variety of weaving techniques and weaves. Explores the use of fibrous materials in art production. This course includes special fees.
ART 110 or permission of the professor.
ART 214 : Painting I
Introduces oil painting with an emphasis on the fundamentals of form and color relationships in painting. This course includes special fees.
ART 106 and 110 or permission of the professor.
ART 218 : Introduction to Graphic Design
Introduces the concepts of communicative visual art and career expectations in the field of graphic design. Covers grids, typography, visual brand, and brief graphic design history. Introduces the following programs: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. This course includes special fees.
ART 110, or permission directly from the instructor.
ART 219 : Watercolor
Introduces watercolor, which involves drawing, composition, application of color theory, and uses various watercolor papers, brushes, and masking techniques. This course includes special fees.
ART 106 and ART 110.
ART 250 : Studio Lessons
Provides individualized studio critique opportunities. Students spend three hours in the studio each week per credit. Work may be completed in the following areas: ceramics, printmaking, drawing, painting, sculpture, and graphic design. Course may be repeated for a total of 6 hours. This course includes special fees.
1 - 3Prerequisites
Permission of the professor.
ART 306 : Drawing III
Examines the problems of greater visual and conceptual complexity with more emphasis on the development of individual stylistic qualities. This course includes special fees.
ART 206.
ART 308 : Printmaking II
Explores advanced problems in printmaking with emphasis on the development of individual style. This course includes special fees.
ART 208.
ART 310 : Sculpture II
Emphasizes independent creativity and new approaches covering a wide range of media and methods with a concentration on the formation of ideas and their interpretations. This course includes special fees.
ART 210.
ART 312 : Ceramics II
Emphasizes the development of beginning throwing skills and basic glaze formation. Studies include ceramic design development. This course includes special fees.
ART 212.
ART 313 : Fibers II
ART 110 or ART 213.
ART 314 : Painting II
Continues the examination of fundamentals of form and color relationships in oil painting leading to a broader application in a range of genres from self-portraits and working from a model to more conceptually based painting. This course includes special fees.
ART 214 or permission of the professor.
ART 318 : Visual Brand Identity
Builds on concepts from Introduction to Graphic Design. Emphasizes publishing design within an existing visual brand. Explores topography, logo, cover, interior, centerfold/poster and ad design. Introduces working with a customer/director. The course continues developing skills in these programs: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. This course includes special fees.
ART 110 and ART 218, or permission directly from the instructor.
ART 330 : Art History III: History of Modern Art
For art majors: ART 102 and ART 103.
ART 334 : Art History IV: Special Topics in Art History
ART 102, ART 103, and ART 330.
ART 336 : Instructional Techniques for ART K-12
Explains methods in teaching at the elementary and secondary level with an emphasis on projects, rationale, and evaluation techniques. This course includes special fees.
EDUC 497.
ART 410 : Sculpture III
Examines advanced individual development of style and aesthetics as they relate to the field of sculpture. This course includes special fees.
ART 310.
ART 411 : Sculpture IV
Explores independent creativity with a wide range of media and methods with an emphasis on the formation of ideas and their interpretations. This course includes special fees.
ART 410.
ART 412 : Ceramics III
Practices advanced clay forming and glaze formulation, including sculptural forms in clay and dinnerware production. Studies ceramic design and personal aesthetics. This course includes special fees.
ART 312.
ART 413 : Ceramics IV
Emphasizes experimental ceramics with advanced individual development of style and aesthetics. This course includes special fees.
ART 412.
ART 414 : Painting III
Concentrates on developing imaginative resources in painting. Emphasizes the student's individual stylistic strengths. This course includes special fees.
ART 314.
ART 416 : Typography
Builds on basic typographic from Introduction to Graphic Design. Explores advanced exploration of character as form and emphasizes its importance in design and visual communication. Provides instruction and application to develop a professional/personal brand. Continues developing skills in these programs: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. This course includes special fees.
ART 110 and ART 218 or permission directly from the instructor.
ART 417 : Painting IV
Emphasizes individual style and aesthetics in painting. This course includes special fees.
ART 414.
ART 420 : Advanced Graphic Design
Individualizes projects based on student interest and need. Prepares students for the designer/client professional relationship. Student leads the process from beginning to end, with instruction as needed. Professional communication, design ability, and standards are further developed. This course continues developing skills in these programs: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. This course includes special fees.
ART 110 and ART 218 or permission directly from the instructor.
ART 430 : Internship/ Graphic Design
Available as needed.
Senior standing with a graphic design emphasis.
ART 440 : Senior Seminar
Discusses the integration of art and Christian faith and the artist's role in contemporary society. Includes preparation of resume, artist statement, and artwork for senior exhibition.
1ART 450 : Studio Lessons
Provides individualized studio critique opportunities. Students spend three hours in the studio each week per credit. Work may be completed in the following areas: ceramics, printmaking, drawing, painting, sculpture, and graphic design. Course may be repeated for a total of 6 hours. This course includes special fees.
1 - 3Prerequisites
Permission of the professor.
ART 454 : Art Travel
Provides students with an immersive experience in Art. This course includes special fees.
ART 102, ART 103, or permission of professor.
ART 454 : Art Travel Laboratory
Provides students an immersive experience in Art. This course includes special fees.
ART 454 Lecture.
ART 460 : Problems in Creative Art
Provides students opportunities to complete individual projects using a choice of media with emphasis on areas of special need or concentration. This course includes special fees.
1 - 3Prerequisites
Permission of the professor.
ART 470 : Art Exhibition
Requires students to prepare and hang work for exhibitions and/or to complete original artwork for exhibition their senior year, along with refining an artist statement and portfolio. Normally students take one credit in the junior year and one in the senior year. This course includes special fees.
1 - 2ART 493 : Problems in Art History
Available as needed.
1 - 3Prerequisites
ART 102, ART 103, or permission of the professor.