Practical Theology (Masters)
PTH 540 : Military Chaplaincy
3PTH 541 : Industrial and Institutional Chaplaincy
3PTH 542 : Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry and Leadership
Scripture and history provide two bookends between which issues relevant to the ministry and leadership of women can be discussed. Integrating history with hermeneutics, through careful observation of the Lord's acts, one comes to understand God's ways (Psalm 103:7) Taking a narrative approach (with special focus on cultural contexts, the call of God, and roles of women), this course tells the stories of women throughout the Bible and history and can thus help students locate their stories within the context of God's story. Cross-listed with BTH 550.
3PTH 543 : Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling
3PTH 548 : Jewish People and the Local Faith Community
Acquaints the participant with the modern Jewish experience and worldview by exploring the history of Jewish-Christian relations. Special emphasis is given to developing effective tools for disciplining new Jewish believers within the context of the local Christian fellowship. Cross-listed with MCC 548.
3PTH 551 : Effective Evangelism and Assimilation
3PTH 552 : Approaches to Muslims
Surveys Christian approaches to evangelizing Islamic people. The study will include the theological, contextual and practical approaches. Key issues such as proper attitudes, spiritual warfare, servanthood, sensitivity to culture and appropriate use of Scripture will be treated. Cross-listed with MSS 552.
3PTH 556 : Field Education Research Project
Designed for students pursuing one of the professional Master programs. Requires significant research in biblical and contemporary literature in relation to ministry praxis in a local church or parachurch context. Leads to the production of an integrative, field-based writing project. Cross-listed with MCC 556.
3PTH 557 : Spiritual Formation of the Minister
3PTH 561 : Foundations for Family Ministries and Soul Care
Assists in the formation of a developmental framework for whole life discipleship, pastoral counseling, and soul care. Examines development across the life span conceptualizing human development as a framework for understanding human beings created in the image of God. The life cycle will be utilized as a construct for the development of family life ministries and age-appropriate introduction of theological concepts. Family systems thinking, important developmental processes and the major challenges faced at each stage will be examined. Cross-listed with MCC 561.
3PTH 562 : Being a Spirit-Driven Leader
Identifies the role of the Holy Spirit in emotional and spiritual formation of the Christian leader. Emphasizes a biblical and psycho-social understanding of human development and personal identify, the implications of how personal identify impacts spiritual growth, the regular spiritual practices that strengthen the leader's relationship with God and how to follow the Spirit's guidance in fulfilling a vocational calling.
3PTH 565 : Interpersonal Helping Techniques with Diverse Populations
Studies the necessary interpersonal skills in the counseling, coaching, and mentoring relationship. The helping sequence will be examined and specific skills and interventions for each stage will be studied. Special focus will be given to working with diverse populations and cultural implications. Cross-listed with MCC 565.
3PTH 610 : Psychological Disorders and Addictive Behaviors
3PTH 617 : Human Sexuality and Marriage Counseling
3PTH 618 : Ministry in Trauma, Crisis and Grief Contexts
3PTH 619 : Practicum in Hospital Ministry
3PTH 622 : Communicating Christian Faith in a Pluralistic Society
Develops a comprehensive understanding of the individual and societal relevance of the gospel to enhance its proclamation to the contemporary world. It supports the validity of Christian faith, through evaluation of experiential, scientific, sociological, historical and biblical evidence. It also helps leaders to meaningfully engage contemporary religious and secular worldviews and to respond to major objections to Christianity. Cross-listed with THE 622.
3PTH 631 : Culture, Gender and Intercultural Ministry
Examines God's purpose in creating humans as female and male and allow scriptures to critique one's own cultural gender biases. Students will practice ethnographic research methods that prepare them to discover culture through the lens of gender. They will also develop spiritual disciplines that will enhance their lives and intercultural ministry. Cross-listed with MCC 631 and THE 631.
3PTH 635 : The Theology and Practice of Spiritual Gifts
Combines biblical (especially the Gospels and Paul's Letters), missiological, theological and pastoral insights to the charismata (gifts of the Spirit), presenting the biblical-theological basis for understanding and charismatic nature of the New Testament church and its ministry. Topics include developing biblical insights and principles for the use and praxis of spiritual gifts in the church. Emphasis is given for pastors and missionaries to grasp the sensitivities and unique needs of multi-cultural churches, especially as it relates to spiritual gifts. Most importantly, the development of gift ministry in our own lives is emphasized, encouraged and practiced. Cross-listed with BTH 635 and PCS 635.
3PTH 638 : Practicum in Prison Ministry
3PTH 639 : Practicum in Pastoral Ministry
3PTH 640 : Specialized Studies in Practical Theology
3PTH 642 : Theology of Prayer
Studies the theological foundation for prayer. There is specific emphasis on both the corporate and private nature of prayer. Cross-listed with THE 642.
3PTH 643 : Anthropology and Communication in Theological Perspective
Studies the principles of cultural anthropology and intercultural communication from a theological/missiological perspective to facilitate the emergence of a theology which addresses the complexities of ministry in an intercultural setting. Cross-listed with MCC 643 and MHT 643.
3PTH 646 : Practicum in Military Chaplaincy
By military appointment only.
PTH 650 : Building a Disciple-Making Ministry
3PTH 654 : Pentecostal Perspectives on Justice, the Church and Society
Aims to cultivate the leader's appreciation of the church's social mission in society while avoiding historical extremes. It aims to facilitate a constructive Christian response to contemporary issues confronting the church by examining best practice models. Flowing from theological reflection and ethical thinking, this course will examine ways to facilitate community development within a Christian worldview on a personal, local, regional and global level. Cross-listed with MCC 654.
3PTH 657 : Specialized Studies Practicum
3PTH 659 : The Social Impact of Christianity
A critical-historical evaluation of the impact of the Christian faith upon the major spheres of society. Christian contributions to the arts, education, intellectual inquiry, science, political thought and social justice will be delineated. The 2000-year narrative of Christian history is filed with progress and regress, but the overall portrait reveals a resilient faith able to influence positive change. Cross-listed with MCC 659 and HIS 659.
3PTH 660 : Caring for Your Congregation
Assists in understanding and developing a biblically-grounded model of congregational care and support. Topics include: a biblical understanding of suffering that leads to resilient faith; the biblical and practical foundations to develop congregational unity and community; development of personnel, skills and systems needed for a holistic approach to congregational care; and a theology of vocation that helps congregants understand the integration of their daily work and their kingdom calling.
3PTH 663 : Leading and Managing Your Congregation
Assists in understanding and developing a biblical and practical model of congregational leadership. Topics include: developing a congregation's mission, vision and value statements; aligning ministry personnel and programs with these statements; understanding and exegeting congregational culture; managing organizational change and conflict; enlisting a strengths-based leadership role for staff and volunteers; and developing an understanding of the fiscal and operational responsibilities required for effective congregational ministry.