Missions Strategy (AGTS)


MSS 545 : Current Issues in Missiology

Covers the trends and issues affecting contemporary missionary outreach of the Church throughout the world. Emphasis will be placed on the practical implications of these issues on present and future missionary activity. Cross-listed with MHT 545.



MSS 547 : Missions and National Church Strategies

Covers strategies, using New Testament missionary principles, for church multiplication across cultural lines, between sending and receiving bodies, and among fraternal organizations. Among the topics to be considered are indigenous church objectives, the organization of mission efforts, missionary training and conflict resolution.



MSS 552 : Approaches to Muslims

Surveys Christian approaches to evangelizing Islamic people. The study will include the theological, contextual and practical approaches. Key issues such as proper attitudes, spiritual warfare, servanthood, sensitivity to culture and appropriate use of Scripture will be treated. Cross-listed with PTH 552.



MSS 629 : Administration in Theological Education

Covers Bible school administration in a cross-cultural context using a basis of organization/management theory, traditional and nontraditional forms of administration are made relevant to domestic and foreign settings. Governance, personnel relationships, fiscal matters, curriculum development, and assessment issues will be studied.



MSS 630 : Instruction and Assessment in Theological Education

Studies teaching and evaluation methods and strategies appropriate to the Bible institute/college context. The structure and content of course plans, syllabi and individual lesson plans will be examined and explained. Various teaching methods and techniques will be demonstrated and evaluated. Testing and other evaluation methods will be presented and discussed.



MSS 640 : A Theology of Power in Ecclesial and Missional Structures

Develops a biblical vision of redeemed power that transforms personal relationships and social organizations. In this globalized world, multinational communities, churches and mission partnerships are the contexts in which diverse cultural views on the legitimate use of power can quickly create divisions. Students will investigate scripture and critique various applications of power found in church and missions structures using sociological and anthropological tools.



MSS 641 : Practicum in Intercultural Ministry I

An opportunity for the student to be exposed to a ministry that obliges him/her to cross a cultural frontier overseas or in the United States. The distinguishing characteristic of this practicum is that a student must work in, and subsequently verbalize the cultural factor in, an environment of a subculture or a minority/ethnic setting other than his or her own traditional cultural roots.



MSS 643 : Church Planting in Muslim Contexts

Surveys the major ecclesiological options and their historical development. Principles for establishing evangelistic and discipleship ministries in Muslim societies will be explored. Special attention will be given to the unique process of establishing the church within an Islamic culture.
