Missions History and Theology (Masters)


MHT 501 : The Mission of God in Biblical and Contemporary Contexts

Consists of an in-depth study of the mission of God as it is revealed in both the Old and New Testaments. It will not only examine the text of the Scriptures but also consider the mission of God in terms of history, culture and philosophy of the people to whom the mission was delivered, the interpretation of Scripture within the Bible, the progressive development of biblical theology as new cultures and peoples were engaged by Israel and the church, the modes of mission and ministry which are evidenced in the Bible and the application of biblical missiology to the contemporary world context. Cross-listed with BTH 501.



MHT 534 : History of Jewish-Christian Relations

Covers the history of Jewish-Christian relations from the first century until the modern era. Unhappy seasons in the relationship are examined but the real contributions each religion has made to the other are also recognized. Emphasis is given to the influential teachings impacting Jewish-Christian relations over the centuries including those of Paul, Augustine and Luther on the one hand, and Rabbinism, the Talmud and the philosophy of "Jewish Peoplehood" on the other. Cross-listed with HIS 548.



MHT 540 : The Holy Spirit and Mission

Explores Pentecostalism's contribution to contemporary mission theology. Special attention will be given to missiological issues relating to Pentecostal theology and praxis, the biblical validity and relevance of spiritual power encounter, and signs and wonders. Cross-listed with BTH 540 and PCS 540.



MHT 545 : Current Issues in Missiology

Covers the trends and issues affecting contemporary missionary outreach of the Church throughout the world. Emphasis will be placed on the practical implications of these issues on present and future missionary activity. Cross-listed with MSS 545.



MHT 552 : Power Encounter

Focuses on the biblical validity and contemporary relevance of spiritual power encounter in the extension of the Kingdom of God. Cross-listed with THE 552.



MHT 556 : World Christianity I

Examines the growth and cultural contexts of Christianity from the time of the ancient church to 1453. This study includes surveying the diversity of Christian traditions East and West, the expansion of the faith from the Middle East to Africa, Asia and Europe, missiological and theological developments, political and social dynamics, the rise of Islam and the Muslim conquests and the immediate contexts for the upheavals of the Reformation in the 16th century. Cross-listed with HIS 556.



MHT 557 : World Christianity II

Examines the developments and growth of Christian movements from 1453 to the present. Key topics include the five Reformations of the Western church, expansion of Catholic and Protestant Missions into the Americas and Asia, the rise of Evangelicalism, the explosion of Protestant world missions, the birth and exponential growth of Pentecostal and charismatic movements. The globalization of Christianity and the challenges of dechristianization and post-modern thinking in the West. Cross-listed with HIS 557.



MHT 635 : Pentecostal Theology of Leadership Development

Examines theological issues related to indigenous church leadership development from a Pentecostal perspective with special attention to spiritual formation, moral issues and social/organizational structures in a missional context.



MHT 637 : Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy

Examines the historical and theological developments of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, focusing on the theological, liturgical and missiological distinctives of these traditions and their relation to each other and to other Christians. Pentecostal perspectives on and relations with Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians will also be considered. Cross-listed with HIS 644.



MHT 642 : Contextualized Theology

Examines both the theoretical and practical missiological aspects of theological contextualization as related to the following areas: biblical interpretation, church methodologies/strategies, and leadership development. Theological and missiological contextualization is reviewed and evaluated in terms of its bearing on the communication of the Gospel, the expression of the Christian faith and its spread in various cultural settings. Cross-listed with MCC 642.



MHT 643 : Anthropology and Communication in Theological Perspective

Studies the principles of cultural anthropology and intercultural communication from a theological/missiological perspective to facilitate the emergence of a theology which addresses the complexities of ministry in an intercultural setting. Cross-listed with MCC 643 and PTH 643.



MHT 646 : Theological Studies Seminar

Each student in the Master of Arts in Theological Studies program must enroll in this graduate seminar course before completion of the degree. The preparation of a major seminar paper affords students an opportunity to demonstrate competencies within their chosen concentrations through research, interpretation and writing. Cross-listed with BNT 646, BOT 646, PCS 646, and THE 646.



MHT 649 : Christian-Muslim Theological Issues

Examines the theological challenge of Islam and Christian response. Key theological differences will be studied with special emphasis being placed upon biblical answers. The purpose is to develop understanding of the congruencies and divergences between Christianity and Islam as a tool for communicating the Gospel to Muslims. Cross-listed with THE 649.
