Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
Majors are available in Applied Biology, Applied Science and Sustainability, Biology, Biology Education, Chemistry, Chemistry Education, Computer Science, Health Care - Nursing, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Mathematics Education.
Minors are available in Applied Science and Sustainability, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Forensic Science, Mathematics, Physical Science, and Physics.
Pre-professional tracks are available in Pre-Nursing, Pre- Medicine (regular and early admission), Pre-Engineering, Pre-Physician Assistant, Pre- Dentistry (regular and early admission), Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Pre-Optometry, Pre- Chiropractic, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Physical Therapy, and other programs that can be developed to meet students' needs.
Students planning to teach secondary school may choose a Biology Education, Chemistry Education, or Mathematics Education major and complete the Secondary Education professional requirements in the Department of Education for teacher certification.
All programs in the Department fulfill the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree. For a Bachelor of Arts degree, a student must include one year of foreign language.
Pre-Med, Pre-Physician Assistant, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre- Dental, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre- Chiropractic
Evangel University has excellent academic programs for students who wish to pursue careers in medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, or other health-related fields. A 4-year liberal arts degree is usually required for admission to medical or other professional schools. Evangel’s General Education courses, along with a major in Biology, Biological Chemistry or Chemistry, meet the requirements for nearly all medical and other professional schools and allow for many career options. Although pre-medical/pre-professional students are free to select almost any major, Biology or Chemistry are highly recommended and are the ones most frequently chosen. Strong competition exists for admission to medical/professional schools, so it is important for a student to obtain proper advising and be well acquainted with the Prerequisites and the application process. Students should attain a minimum 3.0 GPA by the end of the 2nd year (4th semester) to continue as a pre-professional student. We also have early admission medical and dental programs.
The Pre-pharmacy student usually majors in Biological or Chemistry. After completing the undergraduate degree, he or she applies to a school that offers the Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm. D.). Although some variation exists among Doctor of Pharmacy programs, the following list of undergraduate college Prerequisites represents the requirements of most schools:
English Composition (6), United States Government or History (3), Behavioral Sciences (3), Calculus (4), Biology/Zoology (8), Microbiology (4), Cell Biology (3), General Chemistry (10), Organic Chemistry (10), Quantitative Analysis or Physical Chemistry (4), Biochemistry (4), General Physics (10), Anatomy and Physiology (8).
Many Colleges of Pharmacy also recommend an economics and a computer science course. Because different pharmacy programs have varying admissions requirements, students should work with advisors to determine the requirements of the schools in which they are interested.