Advanced Options
For courses successfully completed as an undergraduate, a student may substitute an advanced course.
BIB 532 Hermeneutics
- BIB 637 Current Issues in Biblical Interpretation
- BNT 623, BNT 624 Exposition in the New Testament
- BOT 621, BNT 622 Exposition in the Old Testament
- BOT, BNT, BGR or BHE Book Study
BNT 530 New Testament Introduction
- BIB 638 Bible Lands Studies
- BIB 640 Specialized Themes (NT) in Biblical Studies
- BNT 533, BNT 540, BNT 541, BNT 542 or BGR Book Study
- BNT 641 Specialized Exegetical Studies in NT
- BTH 532 New Testament Theology
- BTH 640 Specialized Studies in Biblical Theology (NT)
BOT 530 Old Testament Introduction
- BIB 638 Bible Lands Studies
- BIB 640 Specialized Themes in Biblical Studies (OT)
- BOT 531, BOT 538, BOT 539, BOT 540 or BHE Book Study
- BOT 641 Specialized Exegetical Studies in OT
- BTH 530 Old Testament Theology
- BTH 640 Specialized Studies in Biblical Theology (OT)
HIS 532 History & Polity of AG
- HIS 528 Pentecostal & Charismatic Movements
- HIS 642 History & Polity of Selected Denomination
HIS 556 / MHT 556 World Christianity I
- PHI 633 Ethical Issues in Contemporary Society
- PHI 631 / THE 628 Apologetics
- MCC 654 / PTH 654 Pentecostal Perspectives on Justice, the Church & Society
- HIS 642 Specialized Studies in Church History/Theology
HIS 557 / MHT 557 World Christianity II
- PHI 633 Ethical Issues in Contemporary Society
- PHI 631 / THE 628 Apologetics
- MCC 654 / PTH 654 Pentecostal Perspectives on Justice, the Church & Society
- HIS 642 Specialized Studies in Church History/Theology
- THE 625 Church, End Times & Eternity
- THE 639 Specialized Studies in Theology
HOM 529 Communicating the Message I
- HOM 633 Communicating the Message II
HOM 633 Communicating the Message II
- Any Exposition Course (HOM 620, HOM 621, HOM 622, HOM 623, HOM 624)
PTH 551 Effective Evangelism and Assimilation
- PTH 530 Establishing New Churches
- PTH 622 Communicating Christian Faith in a Pluralistic Society
- PTH 654 Pentecostal Perspectives on Justice, the Church, and Society
THE 531 Systematic Theology I
- THE 623 God, Revelation & Truth
- THE 624 Christ, Humanity in the Plan of God
- THE 628 Apologetics
- THE 639 Specialized Studies in Theology
THE 532 Systematic Theology II
- BTH 635 Theology & Practice of Spiritual Gifts
- PHI 633 Ethical Issues in Contemporary Society
- THE 621 Person & Work of the Holy Spirit
BGR 530 Greek IA and BGR 531 Greek IB
- BAR 630 Biblical Aramaic***
- BGR 611 Inductive Studies in Greek NT I*
- BGR 612 Inductive Studies in Greek NT II*
- BGR 624, BGR 625, BGR 626 and BGR 627**
- BGR 630 Specialized Readings in Greek NT and/or Hellenistic Greek**
- BHE 530 Hebrew IA and BHE 531 Hebrew IB
- BHE 633, BHE 634, BHE 635 and BHE 637***
- BHE 639 Specialized Studies in Hebrew OT***
- BHE 640 Advanced Hebrew Exegesis***
* Prerequisite: BGR 530 Greek IA and BGR 531 Greek IB
** Prerequisite: BGR 530 and 531 and BGR 611 and 612.
*** Prerequisite: BHE 530 Hebrew IA and BHE 531 Hebrew IB